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Dear Zelda,

Have you seen it?! Have you seen it?! The new me! My game is coming out! I swear if Shigeru changes it like he did last time I'll cut his throat! Have you seen the trailer at all?! I haven't had a chance to see it. I'm so proud to know that a new series is coming out. Finally the legends are getting more action! Hopefully it'll have a deep story plot like wind waker did. What are your thoughts?



Dear Link,

Yes I have seen the trailer, it put tears in my eyes. I certainly hope that he doesn't change the game design either, he put a lot of people down when he showed that trailer a couple of years ago before wind waker came out. The shock to the audience when they finally did see the game. *sighs* But if you wish to see the trailor, it's hosted here.


Dear Zelda,

I have wrote this piece of junk for you and I am requesting an oekaki board. Here goes. Black is the guy's name.

Chapter One: Dawn of a Nightmare

Black rushed into the church to be pardoned. Black had killed several of the mob's assassins for the idea that he is slaying the scourge of TerraNova. It had been over 200 years since I had killed Mortivore. Everyone had forgotten of the crisis from long ago. Black was insane, he was born that way. He has gone on several killing sprees, and still hasn't been caught. He believes he's purifying the world by relieving it of its criminals. Now, he was cornered in the shattered remains of Titan City. Black broke a stain glass window. Brandishing his makeshift weapon, he was ready to stop his pursuers by any means necessary. The thugs approached him, as he slowly backed away. Black suddenly thrust his broken glass shard through one of his foe's throats. After seeing his fellow thug die right before his eyes, another one punched Black in the jaw, and knocked out a tooth. He tried to counterstrike, but he tripped into a tub of holy water. A mobster then shot him in the chest 3 times. Black was dead. The holy water began to mix with his blood. Black's wounds began to heal at an alarming rate. Soon he was reborn. He cried out " I live!" for the entire world to hear. Black ran out the church to finish the brutes. He ran up to one, and punched him right in the back of the head. He was out cold. The other fools ran up to face Black. One shot at Black, but the bullets seemed to do nothing. Another stabbed him in the back, but the knife broke. Black's hand turned into a diamond sword, and sliced them all into pieces. He was the only survivor in that fight, and he couldn't be killed.

Hope you liked it.



Dear Saxophone,

I do say that you have a knack for writing stories. The story you had written was well thought-out and the plot was easy to follow. However, you did have a bunch of short choppy sentences. Maybe a bit more descriptions and such with some commas will make it flow smoothly yes? Other than that, I'm very pleased with this piece of work. Keep writing. And on that request for the board. My webmistress is still currently researching how to do such a thing, and certainly I can't help her..so sooner or later, one shall be up. Thank you for the story yet again.


Dear Zelda,

I figured out what to say! Yay for me! Ok, here its goes. *Takes deep breath*

Dogs are fuzzy and cute! ^_^
Mossy grove. Hehe. Do you like cupcakes? I like cupcakes. Have you ever had a coconut? What about a kiwi? Lol, do u have 2 go 2 diffent placez 2 see ppl? I'm tired. It is 9:28. Have you ever seen Whos Line is it Anyway? Its funny. I watch it every night. Good night.

Acco (The Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,

I would have to say that I'm partial to cupcakes with orange frosting on them, and maybe an orange slice on the top of it. With orange sprinkles!! *drools* That sounds so tempting right now...must...get...orange...cupcake...

I LOVE who's line is it anyway!! I like that one dude..that does the songs...Oh oh! And the guys who work together and really make skits funny. Though I do say that the host of that show isn't funny at all. In fact, he makes it lame. *sighs*

I've never had a coconut, but I plan to get one soon so I can knock Link upside the head.

and Link

Dear Zelda,


Acco(The Kenshin obsessed girl who really has nothing to say but just wanted to E-mail you)


Dear Acco,


That wasn't even a question young lady, for shame.


Dear Zelda,

Disclaimer: I own nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have the time
to listen to me whine
about everything and nothing all at once?
I am on of those
melodramatic fools
neurotic to the bone
no doubt about it.

Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me.
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up.
Am I just paranoid?
Or am I stoned?

I went to a shrink
to analyze my dreams.
She says it's lack of sex
that's bringing me down.
I went to a whore
she said my life's a bore,
so quit my whining cause
it's bringing her down.

I think I'm freaking Stoned!!!
Hopped up to the bone!
Some men came to
take me away!
The walls have padding now,
I eat nothing but cat chow.
Hyper on their pills
no doubt about it!
I cannot write no more
I'm insane to the core!
I'll eat you in your dreams unless your nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THis is really my freaking life story! I suck!

Orange Dae, Patient of Tiptarrow Asylum

PS I want Oekaki!


Dear Orange Dae,

Quite the song you have there, and judging by you being in an asylum, I'd say that it certainly is your type of music. I remember hearing that song by Green Day, and not being able to tell what it is that he says after "Am I just paranoid?". So I asked Link about it ,and he obviously had no clue what song I was even talking about. I finally go tto Ruto and she had the lyrics on her huge list of music that she owns on her computer. So we looked up the lyrics and sure enough it said "Or am I stoned?". I honestly couldn't tell what it was he was saying when I'd hear it on my computer. So it was certainly good to realize it.


Dear Zelda,

Sorry I haven't been E-mailing you. I'm waiting for my friend, Kcco, to E-mail me back. We'll both E-mail you later.

I'm going to get a new Gamecube game at the end of the month. Yay for me. My question is, what do you think I should get?

I'm going now.

Acco (The Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,

I'll certainly be looking forward to your emails. Don't feel bad for not writing lately, I've been rather busy as well. It appears that the webmistress is going to be moving a little further up north, and She's requested that I help her with the move. So with my kind heart, I've decided to.

I suggest that you pick up The Wind Waker, without a doubt. The story and plot is great in this series. Also another fun game is Mario Kart Double Dash. Me and Link played that a couple of times and we liked to slaughtered each other. It was quite an amusing time.


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Let me guide you home...