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Dear Zelda,

Lies! Lies! All you say is lies! You fools don't know it, but the aliens have already landed, and are invading Antarctica at this moment! Somebody has to save the penguins! But you don't believe me do you? You think I'm just an insane crackpot from the middle of nowhere, don't you? Then I won't let you use my bomb shelter for when the aliens come! They'll all come, and abduct everyone to be their slaves and build a giant upside-down pyramid on their home planet, or create unholy crossbreeds with us and the taco bell Chihuahuas! That's right, there was more than one! In fact, there are no less than 9999999 taco bell Chihuahuas living on the alien world of Zikerlix! They're collaborating to conquer earth, and use it's maglines to tap into the power of mazax force, and use our energy, and their own planet's energy combined together to take over more worlds, until the planar existence of our universe is ripped open so they can attack another universe with the combined mazax energies of every star, planet, and life form in our universe. That's where the giant upside-down pyramid comes in. They channel all of our energies into the Yaquo (The name of the pyramid. It's alien language for "life ender") and compress it into a grain of sand. They'll then offer the energy in a peace offering with the other universe, but it's really a trap that will suck the souls out of the whole other universe! Without souls, the people will all be mindless slaves the aliens can use to build more Yaquos across the universes, and take over every universe in the omniverse!

You don't believe me? Fine. Maybe I am a crackpot!

Have you ever had fish liver? I like it. It's supposed to make you immune to the power of the Yaqou!

Orange Dae


Dear Orange Dae,

Good heavens. Who would have thought those cute little chihuahua's were so hostile towards our planet? I don't believe I've had fish liver either. Mostly because if Ruto was to ever find that out, my liver would be next.

OH MY GOD! ALIEN CHIHUAHUAS?! I know I've stood up for the castle many times and saved it. But YOU'RE on your own for that one! I'm not messing with those miniature fur balls from Hell.

and Link

Dear Zelda and Nobody And Sarah,

Well Nobody, I see you have come across another site that amused me. Do you remember me? Or has the porn killed too many of your brain cells. Tell me, do you plan to get yourself band from this site too?

Zelda, the thing Nobody is implying is that your having sex. Hes a pervert that was at Marth's site, and I advise you to stall getting an Oekaki Board unless you want crappy porn or little boxes spamed all over it. Anyway, at the Marth Oekaki he did a womans' chest that I thought was a leg with eyes at first, and I suspect he was the one copying everyone. After that he came to the Zelda Board and just to piss the shit out of everyone spamed it for a couple hours until he was kicked off. Although the owner was a bitch, so I wouldn't count that angst him. I'm just telling you this as a warning to what he can, and will, do.

So now he has come here. I don't know if he has changed from the last time I saw him, but from the looks of things he has not. God forbid he finds my site...

I would not jump to conclusions about him though. This message is just a warning, and I'm sure if you watch him carefully he won't do anything too nasty......

My name is Cow, Mad Cow.

Acco(The Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,

Surely things couldn't get too bad at this site. At least, I hope the webmistress knows what she's doing when it comes to spam or sexual harassment on a website. I think? Considering that I haven't dated in Din knows how long, I haven't had sex either. Considering that I'm also a virgin, I thought that would be your first clue. Thank you for the warning though, I graciously accept it and proceed with caution.

[Webmistress note: Thank you for the warning and all. I'm sure if things get a bit too hectic around here that I'll know what to edit out or not. I don't think you have to worry about an Oekaki board too much, considering that I don't even know how to code that yet. T_T; ]


Dear Zelda,

How did you like THAT knock out that I showed you the other day?! Ha! You think you got a lot of guts to take me on at level 9, you got another thing coming! Before you could even blink, I had copied your powers and sent them flying back to you! To shame to call yourself a ruler of a country if you can't take -ME- BUAHAHAHAHA!!!



Dear Kirby,

You got some nerve, puffball. I only let you win so you wouldn't have to take on Marth so he would -really- cream you into the ground. I mean c'mon now, when has Marth ever shown anyone mercy? I figured I'd let you win. Maybe you could feed that ego a bit more than your overstuffed puff bally-ness has shown.


Dear Zelda,

Do you want 2 go 2 another slumber party? It's at my house. Be sure to bring disposable cloths. I might have a big cake AND A DONKEY! Bring pillows 2. I like how we can go on the roof of my house. It's supposed to be a cloudless night 2. Do you like punch? I'm making some right now. punch tastes awesome!

Shamika Rage


Dear Shamika Rage,

Another party already? Well of course I would love to come, so much that my schedule allows and such mind you. I'll make sure to bring disposable clothes this time. That way I don't have to suck up to Peach so much.

LINK! We have a code YELLOW! I repeat, code YELLOW! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


and Link

Dear Ganondorf,

Do you expect me to bow down to you? You've never beat Link, not even once! And I know you couldn't either, because you basically brought it upon yourself. How could you let yourself be defeated by a kid with a fairy, and a sword, when you could've burned the forest to dust. I think you must have a soft side you don't like to show; a side that shows mercy. If somebody walked up to you and told you "Eat this kitten!" I'm sure you wouldn't because your only human, and would likely let it grow up to a full grown cat, and then eat it.

I didn't need that kind of villain. I want one that shows mercy only to hear his victims scream longer. You just weren't up to par. You still make a great villain, though.



Dear Saxoblow,

You may have misjudged my intentions ...I am no villain, but I am a shrewd business man. Do you honestly believe I would let a kid and his fairy defeat me? Of course I would...for the right price. Rupees may not buy happiness ...but they sure help it along the way. Write that down.

-Evil King Ganondorf - Hail to the king, baby.

Dear Zelda,

would you eat a cream puff dangling from a string while your hands were tied behind your back?

My name is Donut man, I devour them like fish in a barrel. I could lend you a shotgun to shoot fish in a barrel, but that ugly fish lady from the game would use it as an excuse to massacre your people.

Donut man! Donut man! Friendly neighborhood Donut man! Is he strong? Listen bud, he's got Cream filling in his blood! Look out! Here comes the donut man!

Your superhero friend,
Donut Man


Dear Donut Man,

I don't know if I'd be in the mood to eat donuts if I was tied up and such. It brings back too many memories of the past...*shudders* Anywho..glad that you've traveled to my site. And yes you're right about Ruto. She can be pretty vicious when it comes to fishing. We always make sure to have our fish frys when she's out of the country for a bit. I didn't know you were a super hero either. Think you could help out from time to time? Link seems to be getting a little slow.


Zhear Gannondorf:

If fwatt you are zhaying is correct, you were bribed to looze?

Your faiseful compannion,
Napoleon Bonaparte


Dear Napoleon,

Money is money. And it helps pay for my tower more than any victory would. Although the castle was nice when I made a few changes to it's design. You know the whole floating over the lava pit bit was pretty nice.

I have no companions.

-Gannondorf, Evil king extrordinaire


a monkey.


Dear Monkey,

Hello to you too? Please people...(animals) ask REAL questions! *sighs* I didn't even know monkeys could talk...Well, type. Quite the intelligent little scamp aren't you?


Dear Zelda,

OMG Zelda..I was thinking! You..and Me. And a bottle of wine. And we can meet at the edge of lake hlylaia and do a little smoochie mschooshie and stuff. Sounds GREAT! Meet you at seven. *winkz*



Dear Link,

Are you alright? You seem to have already had whatever wine you speak of. I'm sorry but I cannot come on your 'date' or whatever. I think you need to rest and get a good night's sleep. You're obviously intoxicated.


Dear Zelda,

Me am happy! Really really lucky happy! Red camel come to spit on walrus! Walrus am getting mad and send red bull wing on red camel! Bull go in china shop... Great misfortune... You am knowing shamu? He big, and slimy, and am wet, and am and am whale.

Mao Tse-tung


Dear Mao,

Great to hear from you again. I would have to say that a bull running into a china shop is a great misfortune. Hopefully there wasn't too much damage. How have you been holding up? I've been having my own troubles. Link has taken to the bottle and I have no idea exactly why. Something must be bothering him. Anywho, keep that red camel in shape. They're horrid spitters.


Dear Zelda,

I've got a really stupid question for you. How much woodpecker chuck if the pecker was a checkerboard square?

Orange Dae


Dear Orange Dae,


Have you been joining Link when he drinks?


Dear Zelda,

Its so cool to see Link go from a black haired, chunky, hobbit looking guy, to a brown haired, chunky, even more hobbit looking guy, to a blonde haired, skinny, Chibi, and now, a sexy, riped, blonde haired MAN. So cool. :)

Link, heres what I'm going to do for you. Since Marths with Zelda and all, I shall clone Kcco, age her up a few years, then give her to you. Then Zelda and Marth will be happy together and you and Kcco The Second will be happy together and everyone will be happy together. ^___________^ So, how bout it? Wouldn't you like a nice brown haired, green eyed Kcco, Link? Well, either way your getting one. ^_^

Acco(The Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,

I have no clue where everyone got the idea that I was dating Marth suddenly. The guy shows no interest in me, and neither do I towards him.

Oh come now, Princess. You know you find me stylishly attractive. You can't diss the crown. It's a chick magnet *flips hair*

Secondly, NO one can have Link! He's mi- I mean he's not ready for a relationship. What with his running around and saving people. He's over at Mao's almost every other week helping with these wild vicious animals that just appear out of nowhere. Link still says that it's Ganondorf's doing. But even I know that Ganondorf doesn't stoop to that level of sending animals to take over lands.

and Marth

Dear Zelda,

Happy Fourth of July! I got to blow up little sticks of dynamite, and launch off really big bottle rockets! Did you get to blow up any fireworks? Tell me what kind. I also got to see the movie "Independence Day" It was all right, but it wasn't as good as some of the other Sci-fi movies I've seen.

Orange Dae


Dear Orange Dae,

Happy Fourth of July to you as well...whatever that means. is that some kind of holiday of yours? Oh wait! I know what this is. It's that American holiday where it got it's Independence right? We have a day like that. It's called "Freedom day" It was when Link saved us all from the evil clutches of Ganondorf, the evil king. We have huge festivals and everything to celebrate it. Termina does the same thing with the festival of the masks and such. We have tons of bottle rockets and fireworks when we celebrate as well. So it seems our lands share similar traditions. I've seen the movie "Independence Day" A couple of times. It was quite the interesting sight to see. I couldn't imagine waking up and finding space ships everywhere.

Aliens are no fun, yo. I had to save Maron from a bunch of them in Termina. THAT MOVIE OWNS! I saw it last night too! It was so cool watching Will Smith beat 'em up and punch that one alien. "Welcome to Earth" HAHAHAHA!


and Link

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Let me guide you home...