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Dear Zelda,

Pika pi, pi pikachu chu chu! Pikachu pika pi pi chu chu!



Dear Pikachu,

Ah! So you've visited the site too! A pleasure to see you again as well. I'm glad that you love the site. You find the questions and answers funny? Yeah a lot of them do, and it gives me a light chuckle as well. Yes, I do think that Marth is ga-...er no I don't think he is. What gave you that idea?!

HE IS???

and Link

Dear Zelda,

Here are some more questions.

1. Do you like monkeys?
2. Do you like the color blue?
3. What about purple?
4. Have you ever done an Oekaki?
5. Isn't dark chocolate nasty?
6. Fox News or CNN?
7. What color is the sky?
8. What is a Cow?
9. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood chunks?
10. Is Ganon a pervert?(I think he is, but I might as well ask you)
11. What the hell was Ganon doing, laying with you on that bed in WW? That DID NOT look right. Not right at all. O.O;;;;;
12. If a Monkey wernt a Monkey, what would it be?
14. Hehehehehehe?
15. Am I annoying you?
16. How about now?
17. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Ditech?
18. Do you have Maos number? I would like to talk to him(Her? It?) sometime.
19. Me have much sugar, you have much what?
20. Would you like some sugar?
21. Do you want fries with your sugar?
22. Do you know how much sugar I have?
23. You aren't planning to steal my sugar, are you?
24. I am Yoda?
25. Is Link a baka?
26. Is you dad an ass?
27. Do you mind if I cuss?
28. Yoga?
29. I fell pretty, oh so pretty...?
30. Is my show on yet?

Acco (The Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,

It seems I'm going to get numbered questions from now on, but hey questions are questions if you ask me.

1. I prefer apes.
2. The color blue is alright, it reminds me a lot of Marth.
3. Purple is a variation of Pink, so yes.
4. I haven't, but I'd love to learn?
5. I hate the aftertaste, so milk chocolate all the way.
6. CNN without a doubt.
7. Blue I was assuming. Though at sunrise and sunset, it changes to pinks and reds and grays.
8. A cow is a mammal that has 8 stomachs and goes "moo".
9. 10 logs.
10. I think his pig form is more of a pervert, he maintains his gentemen behavior for when he's human..ish.
11. He was reading my dreams. (are you sure YOU aren't the perv?)
12. An human....or ape.
13. ... How do you know my Mother?
14. hahahaha?
15. Yes, you are. But I thought we discussed this.
16. Yes!
17. Congratulations, welcome to Link's world


18. I'm not so sure you want to do that. Unless you have a translator.
19. Patience, to answer these questions.
20. Sugar only ends up making me bounce off the walls.
21. I didn't think fries and sugar make a good combo, unless you're 10.
22. From your questions, I'd say the whole jar.
23. I'm not, but the men in white might be.
24. I am Luke?
25. I believe he is. (yes I know THAT word in Japanese!)
27. I don't mind, I lose my temper from time to time as well.
28. Yes..eases the mind.
29. You fell pretty? So that must mean you rise ugly?
30. You missed it, 30 minutes ago.

and Link

Dear Zelda,

I like your shoes. And I like Link's boots. And Marth's boots. And Roy's boots. I like your shoes best though. No, wait. I like Marth's boots, then your shoes, then Roy's boots, then Link's boots. No, I like your shoes, the Marth's boots, then Link's boots, then Roy's boots. No, thats not it either. Ok, I like Roy's boots, then your shoes, then Link's boots, then Marth's boots. No. I like Marth's boots, then Roy's boots, then your shoes, then Link's shoes. Yes, thats it. Yes. Aging, I like Marth's boots, then Roy's boots, then your shoes, then Links boot's. Yes. Ok. Good.

But I like Kenshin's sandals best. Yes. Then I like Vash's boots. How does he put them on every day though? They have like 50000000 buckles on them! I like Faye's shoes too.Ok. Here we go.

I like Kenshin's sandals best, the Marth's boots, then Roy's boots, then Vash's boots, then your shoes, then Faye's shoes, then Link's boots.

So..........What are you doing?

Acco (The Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,


You trick me, yes you do! Offering an email..THEN sneaking a question at the end!

What I'm doing...reading your email, of course. My boots so overrate Marth's though. *flips hair* I do say that Vash does impress me with how quickly he gets ready to do his gun-slinging..and yet he has to tie those massive multi-buckle shoes everyday. It would drive me nuts. I have enough time putting my trimmings and shoulder armor on from time to time. It's pure insanity.


Dear Zelda,

Do Buffalo wings grow on buffaloes?

Jessica Simpson


Dear Jessica,

They do not. Buffalo wings are chicken wings, marinated in a hot sauce that are intendeded to wow your senses. Egad I'm starting to sound like a commercial. You can see how to make them here. They're quite tasty. The Gerudos introduced this to me when they came for a peace offering. Of course, make sure you have a tall glass of Lon Lon Ranch Milk with you, or your tongue is in for a lot of pain.


Dear Zelda,




Dear Anonymous,

I'll let Link answer that one.


and Link

Dear Zelda,

Buffolo gal won't you come out tonight? To dance by the fire of cabbage and pork? Swing the chain, wrap the text, eat the eat, peel the underwear. Pantyhose is my coffee filter. Do you coffee or tea off? Do you you you you you you you you yous underwear as a coffee filter? Do you drink coffee in your underwear? What are "Man panties"? Dead rat on a chain!! ??? ;;;;;;;;;...........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:::::::::::''''''''''''''''' !!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I like eel's eggs. Pikachu smells like coffee. Would you drink coffee out of a shoe? Would you drink coffee out of underwear? The best part of waking up is folgers in your cup! If coffee spilled on your pants, would people think it's pee? Would you eat coffee flavored Jello? What about cappacino? Expresso? _Mocha? Late'? Do you put Jelly beans in your coffee? Mcdonald's is making coffee cake soon. Coffee! Pickles! Dead rat on a chain! I want Link to answer these questions too! Coffee!

Famfrit, Jr.


Dear Famfrit Jr,

I'm not much on coffee. so I don't see myself drinking out of a shoe or underwear. Though you do remind me of that man that sleeps along side Zora's Domain. Is this you? I've seen you around before, big coffee addict.


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Let me guide you home...